Hopefully you found this color code picker helpful for use in your digital art or web design related projects. There are many shades of green that we have not included on this page but these are some of the more common hues that are used in blue color palettes. Hex values account again for red color, green color and blue color but instead uses a scale of 00 to FF. Many times these values will be converted to what are considered to be “web safe color”. Hex or html color codes are often used on websites. In brown colors you will see the highest levels of cyan, and yellow. Green CMYK Color ValuesĬMYK color values are commonly used in print projects and account for the different levels of cyan, magenta, yellow and black in each color. In these colors it will be common to find values that have are highest in green saturation. RGB values the different intensities of red, green and blue in each color on a scale of 0 to 255. Aqua Green Army Green Avocado Bright Green Celadon Chartreuse Christmas Green Columbia Green Corn Green Dark Green Emerald Green Eucalyptus Fluorescent Green Forest Green Girl Scout Green Grass Green Green Screen Color Hunter Green Irish Green Jade Green Kelly Green Kiwi Green Leaf Green Lightsaber Green Lime Green Opal Midnight Green Military Green Mint Green Moss Neon Green Olive Green Pastel Green Petrol Pine Green Road Sign Green Sage Green Seafoam Green Shrek Green Spearmint Spring Green Tennis Court Green Turquoise Viridian Green RGB Color Values